
Pushing off the wall in a nice streamline and gliding through the water is the closest most humans will ever come to the sensation of flying.


D Lobato said...

I perceive the use of a drone to convey the feeling and image of flying.

Alex said...

With me, its going downbill fast on a Roadbike. Aftef grunting uphill myself, of course.

D Lobato said...

To clarify my first comment, I meant a drone flying over a swimmer recording video at close range and also perhaps higher up. That would be an interesting perspective to add to the streamline and gliding motion.

Kirk, Photographer/Writer said...

David, that would be very cool. I'd like to try that directly overhead and looking straight down. It would be interesting to time it all perfectly since you go from zero to speed almost immediately off the wall and then slow down. We'd want to start the drone back a bit to get it to speed as it comes over head at the moment of the push off. I'll work on it and see what I can do.

mikepeters said...

Riding a motorcycle on tight twisting mountain roads at a high rate of speed is pretty close to feeling like you're flying also. At least for me it is.

Henk said...

The best swimmer image ever! Thank you for sharing it with us mr. Tuck.


James Weekes said...

I agree with you about the push off following a good flip turn being a wonderful feeling of speed. It's odd, but the other two things that have conveyed a feeling of speed to me most are riding a horse at full gallop and being in my father's sailboat, heeled to the rails in a big wind. In neither case was I going very fast, compared to even a short drive in a car, but wow did they feel fast and free.

Brooks said...

this is a perfect example of "less is more." this photo says everything that needs to be said about pushing off the wall in a race

Anonymous said...

Just saw this image after taking a vacation from the computer for a week. (so nice, no news is good news). In my opinion this is one of your best images- bar none. Should make it a print for sale as TOP does from time to time.

Henk said...

Like Jb said, why not sell it printed? Please? I'd love to have one!
